The Triple Fox Mission
At every level of our organization, we work to establish a sense of purpose and value. Each element of our service delivery platform is designed to achieve measurable results through evidence-based outcomes. This total integration allows Triple Fox to clearly demonstrate the mutual value and achievements generated on our projects.
To Evolve the Business of Safety
At Triple Fox, we view Safety as an integral business process. To drive better results, we are working to deploy our proprietary platform to our clients where the systems and processes surrounding risk management can be effectively measured. We are continually looking to drive efficiencies and better performance both within our own operations and those of our clients.
The Triple Fox Approach
Triple Fox is working with people like you to achieve a common goal, we want to Evolve the Business of Safety. Our core business, including contractor measurement and performance improvement, onsite medical services and project safety advisors, is built on a platform of systems and processes designed to drive measureable and quantifiable results. Our objective is to have more than just good people and equipment; we also want to have a world-class platform that measures and challenges our services to provide real value to our clients.
Triple Fox appreciates the opportunity to share with you what is different about our approach and how we can add value in a way provides meaningful impacts to your business and bottom line. Our platform ensures that while fielding best in class equipment and personnel, we provide them with the tools, systems and processes to deliver a consistent and measureable service.

Valued Aboriginal Partnerships
The Triple Fox team has unique experience in partnering with Aboriginal communities. Our focus is building long term relationships with our partners that allow us all to succeed. With major projects continuing to require Aboriginal support, Triple Fox is able to assist Aboriginal Communities in understanding, meeting and executing on the economic opportunities that come available. Triple Fox believes that success with Aboriginal Communities involves hard work and mutual understanding. Let Triple Fox assist your Aboriginal Community with your upcoming projects to ensure you fully realize the opportunities that are available.
Specific to medical services, Triple Fox has engaged Aboriginal Communities on many different levels including:
- Training and career development for interested community members
- Joint Venture partnerships to access project opportunities
- Support agreements to assist Aboriginal owned companies in meeting client needs
Triple Fox is pleased to be working with partners in the following areas:
- O’Chiese First Nation
- Sucker Creek First Nation
- Chipewyan Prairie First Nation
Triple Fox is keen to work as partners with aboriginal groups to provide safety solutions to the resource and construction industry.
We know how to give you the opportunity to make your community a full participant in the exploration and extraction of resources in your territory.
When partnered with Triple Fox Energy Services you will be prepared to engage the resource industry from the moment they send you a referral. You will be able to tell industry that any safety services are to be provided through your Triple Fox partnership.